Healing Energies and Research Technologies, Inc.
HEART offers free monthly healing clinics to its neighboring communities, addressing any physical and emotional concerns with all who participate. Our clinics are intended to assist those unable to afford healing treatments, either privately or through the current health system.
HEART additionally provides space for energy healers with paying clientele that are seeking ongoing treatments for chronic and more serious conditions. Free biweekly meditation groups are conducted for the public to further enhance their wellness, while free monthly study groups are held to advance the training of energy healing practitioners.
HEART conducts workshops in training those wishing to become energy healing practitioners. These workshops are open to both licensed health professionals and the general public. Healers will complete an established certification program, in order to advertise their services. Professional CEs (Continuing Education) are provided to health professionals who attend, including nurses, licensed clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists and licensed professional clinical counselors. We also provide a training program for health professionals in pursuit of becoming instructors that lead energy healing workshops throughout the United States.
HEART has entered into an alliance with the California Institute for Human Science (a graduate research institute). Here, all energy healing course participants receive graduate credit at the master’s and doctoral levels in the areas of integral psychology, biophysics and religious studies. An internship program is also offered to doctoral students wanting to work in our lab to support ongoing research, as well as develop their own research for dissertations.
HEART directs a research lab that features pioneering devices developed to measure subtle energies; thereby, accessing states of wellness without the use of traditional medical assessments through radiation, compression or drugs. Such cutting edge devices include medical thermal imaging, brain mapping and heart rate variability, plus devices that directly assess the subtle energy fields of both subjects and materials. Our innovative lab conducts research for organizations and individuals on subtle energy products, healing methodologies and assessing other subtle energy technology. HEART likewise publishes in peer-reviewed journals on the efficacy of energy healing modalities, as well as subtle energy technologies.